Restart Industry Associations Success Story: Colorado Association for Viticulture and Enology

Colorado Association for Viticulture & Enology (CAVE) was approved to participate in the Restart Industry Associations Program by the Colorado Tourism Office (CTO) in September 2021.

The purpose of CAVE is to encourage and support enology and viticulture in Colorado. CAVE represents 170 Colorado wineries and three wine regions – the Front Range, Grand Valley and West Elks. In addition to promoting industry events and learning opportunities, CAVE helps build community between the winery, cidery, brewery, and distillery industries by forming partnerships through programs like Colorado’s Liquid Arts Passport. CAVE also encourages wine enthusiasts to visit their local wineries and participate in CAVE’s annual Colorado Winefest.

CAVE was paired with Olivia Ward, a CRAFT Mentor with travel and tourism experience in social media marketing, digital advertising, and digital content strategy to deliver 75 hours of free consulting to conduct the activities listed below.

The purpose of this project was to build on the momentum that Colorado wineries experienced in 2021 by raising awareness of Colorado wine and increasing visitation to Colorado’s wine regions. 

Project objectives included:

  • manage four Facebook network advertising campaigns, which include placements on News Feed, Instagram and WhatsApp, to geo-targeted and interest-based audiences 
  • develop four unique campaign landing pages for each campaign on
  • develop four digital stories that encourage visitors to experience the unique features of Colorado wine and the Colorado wine regions  

CAVE achieved the following results with its Restart Industry Associations Mentor:

  • four Facebook advertising campaigns targeting wine enthusiasts in the Front Range and Grand Valley and visitors to Denver and Grand Junction with the following campaign results
  • four campaign landing pages optimized for Colorado wine regions, unique experiences, and target audience
  • three regional pages with winery locations and visitor resources
  • four digital stories to be featured in Google searches, on CAVE’s social media channels,, and 

“Olivia's knowledge and expertise in digital media placed the Colorado wine industry in front of hundreds of thousands of new customers during our six-month digital campaign. We had the opportunity to leverage new platforms, reach new consumers and acquire essential photo assets for our industry.”  - Cassidee Shull, Executive Director, CAVE

About Restart Industry Associations Program

The Restart Industry Associations Program supports Colorado tourism industry associations to drive faster recovery as they emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. Awarded industry associations receive 75 hours of free consulting and $10,000 in direct marketing support from the Colorado Tourism Office. This program was made possible by a CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration.