Resources and Partners
Economic development in Colorado is a group effort. Below you'll find a list of resources that will help you find the right partner to support you.
Type in your address in the search bar at the top of the map, and you will find the local economic development partner closest to you. You can also view the full screen map. If you would like to add your economic development organization to our map, please contact us.
Colorado Broadband Office leads the statewide effort to expand broadband coverage and quality for all Coloradans. Access to affordable and reliable broadband service is critical to advancing Colorado’s economic growth and competitiveness. High-speed broadband creates new jobs and attracts new industries, expands markets for new and existing businesses, enables better access to educational opportunities and resources, facilitates the delivery of healthcare services, and supports public safety. Broader deployment of broadband infrastructure and services will improve the quality of life for Coloradans while supporting the state’s global economic competitiveness.
TheMyBizColorado is Colorado's official filing tool and the fastest way to register and manage a business. The Colorado Secretary of State (SOS) provides information on federal, state, and local requirements for doing business in Colorado. Register your business now.
protects consumers and businesses from unethical behavior of businesses in Colorado. Stop Fraud ColoradoFile a complaint.
This project is run through the Colorado Attorney General's Office. The Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) protects consumers from securities fraud and senior Medicaid fraud.
The Colorado State Demography Office provides demographic and economic information for Colorado regions, counties, and communities through their demography dashboard.
The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) provides data around jobs and training including career help for all Coloradans including veterans, the youth, and the unemployed.
Additional resources include:
- Colorado Talent Dashboard: Shares the trends behind the career paths Coloradans are taking, and the successes and challenges Colorado is facing in supporting students and job seekers
- Colorado Workforce Development Council: Works to ensure that every Colorado employer has access to a skilled workforce and the opportunity for meaningful employment
- Connecting Colorado: Provides assistance to both job seekers and employers by connecting them to each other
- Hire a Veteran: Veterans employment specialists that give expertise in job and training opportunities to veterans
Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) supports students, advocates and develops policies, and maximizes higher education opportunities for all. CDHE maintains a directory of colleges and universities in Colorado.
TheCO-LABS' mission is to nurture Colorado's federal research laboratory ecosystem to be a world-class scientific discovery and innovation asset to the country. CO-LABS maintains a directory of research labs in Colorado.
We are not responsible for managing licenses and permits in Colorado. State agencies that manage permits, licenses, and regulations include:
- Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA): responsible for many of the state's licenses, permits, and filings. DORA maintains an A to Z listing of their regulations.
- Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE): responsible for public health and environmental regulation
- Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR): collects most types of taxes and issues state identification cards and driver licenses and enforces Colorado laws regarding gaming, liquor, tobacco, racing, auto dealers, and marijuana
- Colorado Department of Natural Resources (DNR): responsible for the development, protection, and enhancement of Colorado natural resources
Information on business licenses in the City and County of Denver is available from Denver's Business Licensing Center. They support over 100 license types including:
- food
- liquor
- marijuana
- short-term rentals
The Colorado Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network offers assistance with licenses, permits, and other information needed to start a business in Colorado through the Small Business Navigator.
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) works to ensure that Colorado has a safe and efficient highway system by building and maintaining interstates, U.S. highways, and state highways. CDOT maintains a list of airports in Colorado.
Regional Transportation District (RTD) provides public transportation in eight counties including all of Boulder, Broomfield, Denver and Jefferson counties, parts of Adams, Arapahoe and Douglas Counties, and a small portion of Weld County.
Are you a grant applicant or awardee? Our ARPA Recipient Reference Guide can help answer many of your questions. Additionally, our recipient toolkit contains FAQs, samples, forms, and tools to assist you.