Restart Industry Associations Success Story: Colorado Brewers Guild

Colorado Brewers Guild (CBG) was approved to participate in the Restart Industry Associations Program by the Colorado Tourism Office (CTO) in September 2021.

The purpose of CBG is to build awareness of Colorado’s craft beer industry for the entire state. With a reach of 273 members, CBG represents and supports independent Colorado craft breweries and enables them to become successful and innovative breweries through educational opportunities, advocacy, and hosting festivals and events. 

CBG was paired with Olivia Ward, a CRAFT Mentor with travel and tourism experience in social media marketing, digital advertising, and digital content strategy, to deliver 75 hours of free consulting to conduct the activities listed below.

The purpose of this project was to develop a sustainable and low-effort social media strategy for CBG that will support brewery members by increasing visitor awareness.  

Project objectives included: 

  • conduct a social media audit of CBG’s Instagram, Facebook and Twitter profiles, Facebook boosted posts, and Facebook ad campaigns that identifies audience demographics, engagement trends, and content best practices
  • develop a 2022 social media strategy and content calendar recommendations that outline platform goals, key performance indicators (KPIs), and content frequency
  • provide a 90-minute peer-to-peer digital marketing training that includes Facebook and Instagram boosted posts best practices  

CBG achieved the following results with its Restart Industry Associations Mentor:

  • comprehensive audit of CBG’s social media channels that includes audience platform behaviors, content and ad campaign performance, and platform best practices 
  • 2022 social media strategy for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter that highlight seven content buckets and event promotional ideas
  • Facebook advertising peer-to-peer training that includes best practices and recommended next steps for optimizing future advertising campaigns
  • three digital stories to be featured in Google searches, social media channels,, and

About Restart Industry Associations Program

The Restart Industry Associations Program supports Colorado tourism industry associations to drive faster recovery as they emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. Awarded industry associations receive 75 hours of free consulting and $10,000 in direct marketing support from the Colorado Tourism Office. This program was made possible by a CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration.