Boosting Rural Colorado’s Strong Economy: Polis Administration Announces Regional Planning Grants through Rural Opportunity Office

Today, the Polis administration and Rural Opportunity Office within the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) announced implementation grants for economic development regions across Colorado, providing $40,000 grants to help fund the development and implementation of Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS). A planning tool encouraged by the U.S.

SelectUSA gives rural Colorado a presence on the international stage

When economic development organizations travel to the annual SelectUSA Investment Summit, they find something unique in the world of international conferences: an audience of more than 1,200 business investors from approximately 70 international markets looking to invest in the United States. It’s the highest-profile event in the country dedicated to promoting foreign direct investment and the only one hosted by the US government.

OEDIT’s Rural Technical Assistance Program and Office of Outdoor Recreation Industry help rural communities tap into the outdoor recreation economy 

Colorado has a lot to offer in terms of outdoor recreation and industry service providers, and for these reasons, manufacturers find the state a welcoming place to prosper while enjoying the quality of life Colorado communities provide. As rural communities seek opportunities to diversify their economies, the outdoor recreation industry should be considered. Colorado’s outdoor recreation industry accounts for $9.6 billion in consumer spending annually and contributed 120,000 direct jobs in 2020.

EDA Awards State of Colorado Grant to Support Two Economic Recovery Programs

Colorado was awarded two CARES Act Recovery Assistance planning grants from the U.S. Economic Development Administration to support Colorado’s economic recovery, including tourism, from the impacts of COVID-19.

The two programs are outlined below to help our partners identify which programs are relevant for their communities. Communities are eligible to participate in both programs.