Colorado Startup Loan Fund

Work with a lender to see your idea become a reality.

Trabaje con un prestamista para que su idea se haga realidad.

Read More about Colorado Startup Loan Fund

Minority Business Office

The Minority Business Office (MBO) is a passionate team working to increase economic opportunity for minority, women, and veteran entrepreneurs across the state. The MBO works closely with other teams within OEDIT to get clients connected to additional resources.

The Minority Business Office collaborates with an established network of public, private, and government resources to assist businesses of all types and sizes to establish, expand and strengthen their business locally, nationally, or internationally.

The Business Support Division, which the MBO is a part of, manages an online learning platform to offer learning resources for Colorado's small business community. Access the online learning platform for free which is also available in Spanish.

Minority Business Programs and Funding

Small Business Navigator
The Small Business Navigator is a first point of contact for Colorado entrepreneurs and small-business owners needing support in their business journey. Fluent in English and Spanish, the navigator can also facilitate the use of an interpretation service for clients seeking assistance in the language of their preference.

International Trade Readiness for Small Businesses
This program provides a peek into resources available through our partners at the World Trade Center Denver to reach international markets.

Colorado Startup Loan Fund
This program provides loans to Colorado entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Pathways to Government Contracts and Consumer Connections
Are you a Colorado business interested in expanding through government contract opportunities? Or are you looking to work with a BIPOC-owned business? The Minority Business Office of Colorado connects minority, women and veteran owned businesses seeking important resources to succeed in the bidding process or expand their market.

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