Tourism Advertising Opportunities

Program Summary

The Colorado Tourism Office offers several advertising opportunities for domestic marketing/management offices (DMOs) and tourism-related businesses across different channels: Colorado.com, print publications and welcome centers. You can learn more about each of these programs below or by clicking the media kit button.

The Colorado Tourism Office Media Kit


Type: Marketing Promotion 

For: Tourism Partners and Businesses 

OEDIT division: Colorado Tourism Office

Colorado.com Advertising

With over 9 million sessions, Colorado.com is the premier source for online Colorado travel-planning information including articles, business listings, maps and events. As tourism partners and businesses, you can expand your reach and connect directly with this highly qualified audience through these opportunities:

  • Native and Display Ads
  • Business, Event and Special Offer Listings
  • Colorado Emails
  • Welcome Leads Program
  • Sponsored Articles, Videos and City Pages

You can speak directly to your customers with a highly targeted ad campaign customized to your specific schedules, goals and budget. Colorado.com ads receive three times higher of a click-through rate than the national average.

Native Ads

Native ads are formatted units that are designed to be integrated into the content of the page and drive a high click-through-rate (CTR). Rates are outlined in the table below.

Native Ad Rates:

Impression TotalNet RateCPM

Native Carousel Ads

A native carousel is a form of display advertising that typically appears as a horizontally scrolling set of images or cards within a website or mobile app. Each card within the carousel can contain a different image. Users interact with the carousel by swiping or clicking through the cards to view more content. These units will be re-targeted to Colorado.com visitors as well as lookalike audiences.*

Media Unit Specs:

Brand NameBrand LogoThumbnail Images
25 characters1:1 ratio (48 x 48 minimum)Recommended ratio: 1,000 x 750;  can accept any size as long as minimum of 600 x 315


Please provide 3 images with corresponding headlines and descriptions:

90 characters140 characters

*Please note this program requires three cards per carousel at a partner rate of $3,000 per month/3-month minimum, Colorado to be mentioned as the location in the header, and all file types submitted to be jpg. gif or html5.

Display Ads

Display ads are text-based, image or video advertisements that encourage people to visit a landing page and take action. Rates are outlined in the table below.

Display Ad Rates:

Impression TotalNet RateCPM

We offer both free and paid business, event and special offer listings on Colorado.com. All tourism businesses located in Colorado are eligible for a free listing on Colorado.com However, with a paid listing, you receive additional features such as top-tier sort, more characters to describe your listing and more photos.

To ensure equitable exposure, listings will be sorted randomly within the different tiers with an option for users to sort alphabetically.

Business Eligibility and Listing Requirements

Businesses that want to submit a listing need to:

  • Be licensed in Colorado if they are providing a service requiring a state license
  • Have full usage rights to any images or videos uploaded to their listing
  • Listings must be tourism-related and do business in Colorado.

Listings Cannot:

  • Promote tobacco or marijuana products
  • Promote nudity, drunkenness, or lewd behavior
  • Be related to real estate unless the listing relates to the management of Colorado vacation properties

The Colorado Tourism Office reserves the right to refuse listings in order to comply with criteria that the office deems appropriate.

Business Listings

The Colorado Tourism Office reserves the right to refuse listings in order to comply with criteria that the office deems appropriate.


RatesCharacter DescriptionPhotosTier SortVideoSocial Media

Event Listings

Events need to:

  • Be located in Colorado
  • Have a Colorado mailing address
  • Be an event that visitors can physically attend
  • Include contact information, a website URL and a description
  • Be less than four months in length
  • Specify what day or date they occur on if they are reoccurring (for example, every third Saturday, every Tuesday)

The Colorado Tourism Office reserves the right to exclude or retain any event it sees fit and edit descriptions for clarity, relevance, and style. Paid listings will be included in the online Colorado Official State Vacation Guide (OSVG).

These events will not be considered:

  • Summer camp schedules
  • Retail sales events
  • Civic club and community meetings
  • Graduations
  • Family or class reunions
  • Conference dates
  • Exceedingly localized events (for example, fundraising events, recitals, trade shows, lectures, classes, or other general events that tend to be focused on local attractions rather than travelers)
  • Seasons of operation (for example, ski or rafting seasons)

Special Offers

Special offers are typically seasonal offers and help drive people to your destination or attraction when you need it most. You can buy a special offer listing at three, six, or twelve month increments. Special offers are randomized for each new user to the page.

Paid Special Offers:

3 months6 months9 months

How to Submit a Free Business, Event or Special Offer Listing

To submit a listing, you need to first create an account through the Colorado.com industry partner portal. After you sign up for an account, you can login to your account and submit a listing for approval.

Approvals typically take about 3 to 4 business days. Once approved, you will be able to make updates to the listings. The following listing types and changes to listings require approval:

  • New business listings
  • New events
  • New special offers
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Descriptions for listings

Forgot your listing password? Fill out this form.
Need assistance managing your listing? Check out our data engine instructions (PDF).
Still have questions? Fill out this form.

True fans of Colorado receive a monthly email with captivating articles and upcoming events. You can target this audience with your own message by month and season. You can also get 100% exposure through a custom email, which deploys to our in- and out-of-state audiences twice a month.

We receive over 200,000 monthly opt-ins for these emails, with 178,000 of those as out-of-state opt-ins and 22k as in-state opt-ins.

Monthly Email Newsletter

We send different newsletters to in-state subscribers and out-of-state subscribers. Email open rates are about 55.8% for in-state and 43.5% for out-of-state for the monthly newsletter.

In-State Blast:

Quantity Available / MonthRate Per Blast

*Buy two of the same ad unit and get one of equal or lesser value free. Deployments assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.


Out-of-State Blast:

Quantity Available / MonthRate Per Blast

Custom Emails

A custom email is an email that provides information about only one partner and/or destination. Receive 100% exposure or collaborate with other businesses. You’ll need to submit photos, copy, and a call-to-action. We’ll send your message out to our email list and drive all inquiries to your site.

In-State Blast:

Quantity Available / MonthRate Per Blast
2 per month$2,000

Out-of-State Blast:

Quantity Available / MonthRate Per Blast
2 per month$7,200

Both Lists:

Quantity Available / MonthRate Per Blast
1 per quarter* $9,000

*March, June, August and November

Colorado.com visitors who request information from the state are directed to a confirmation page where they can elect to receive information from your business. Upon requesting information from you, visitors receive an immediate auto-generated email written by you.

60% of all Colorado.com visitors (about 243,000 leads in 2021) who request information from the site also elect to receive additional information from Colorado businesses. Advertisers, on average, receive about 5,000+ leads per year.

You can send people a copy of a guide or brochure or send them directly to your website. Leads are emailed to you weekly. Rates outlined below are per calendar year.

Rates Per Calendar Year:


The best way to drive organic traffic directly to your site is to have high quality content on a  website. Leverage the expertise of the Colorado.com editorial and video team to grow content for distribution on Colorado.com and your own site with a custom article or video promoting a vacation experience in your destination.


Articles will be written by the Colorado content team and approved by you. Each article includes links to visit your site and photos that you provide. We will set up tracking codes (or use ones you provide) to help you identify which traffic came to your site from the article.

We will also develop four formatted banners that you own and can share with partners. These banners can be changed up to once a quarter.

Visitors will find this content:

  • In the Articles vault, which is accessed from the home page
  • Among Featured Trip Ideas widgets located on the bottom of the homepage, related articles and landing pages (ie, Hot Springs)
  • Organic and on-site search
  • Occasionally featured on the Trip Ideas page
  • Occasionally featured in email newsletters

The rate for an article is $4,500. The renewal rate is $3,500 per year.


You will receive a one- to three-minute video we create for you to run on Colorado.com. You will also receive four formatted banners you own and can share with partners. These banners can be changed up to once a quarter.

Each video includes links to visit your site. We will set up tracking codes (or use ones you provide) to help you identify which traffic came to your site from the video.

Visitors will find videos:

  • In the Video Gallery, which is accessed from the home page
  • Organic and on-site search
  • Occasionally featured on the Trip Ideas page
  • Occasionally featured in email newsletters

The rate for a video is $8,000. The renewal rate is $3,500 per year.

City Pages

This opportunity is available only to destination marketing organizations. You will have your own destination city page. You will need to provide all text and images for the page.

You will receive four formatted banners that you own and can share with partners. These banners can be changed up to once a quarter.

Visitors will find this content:

  • When they search your city’s name or visit the Cities & Towns page
  • In the Cities and Towns page’s Featured Destination box
  • Organic and on-site search
  • Occasionally featured on the Trip Ideas page
  • Occasionally featured in email newsletters

The rate for a city page is $5,000 every year.

Tourism Print Marketing Promotion


The Colorado Tourism Office prints and distributes the Explore Colorado Official Travel Guide. The guide provides inspirational content, photography, and travel ideas that influence visitation. It is printed annually and is seen by over 1 million people each year.

How to Participate

The Colorado Tourism Office offers opportunities to purchase advertisements within the guide. We will announce the opportunities to participate through Tourism Tuesday. You can sign up for those email notifications by emailing the contact below to let us know you are interested.

Businesses with different business, pick-up, or meeting addresses in addition to their physical address can purchase additional print listings.

Bulk Order Travel Guides


Inside Back CoverBack CoverFull Page½ PageFull Page Sponsored Content

Welcome Center Digital Advertising


Showcase your advertising message on a digital screen within the interior walls of Colorado Welcome Centers. Nearly 850K annual visitors looked for information on where to travel in 2019 across these 10 centers.

You will have the opportunity to run a 30-second commercial spot. These spots can be a video (mp4 file) or a slideshow of still photography (jpg files). The aspect ratio is 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels. Each center has at most six advertisements per rotation.


Welcome CenterAnnual Visitors Annual Rate
Fort Collins5,549$55.49

Program Manager

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