Seeking Feedback for High Level 2021 SSBCI Deployment Plan for the State of Colorado

On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed The American Rescue Plan Act, which provided $10 billion to the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI). SSBCI will fund state, territory, and Tribal government credit support and investment programs for small businesses. Colorado was allocated $76 million for these purposes.

Extraction Production to begin in Grand Junction

Those traveling through Grand Junction and the surrounding area in the next few weeks may run into some not-so-native creatures. The feature film production of Extraction is underway in the Grand Mesa.

Extraction is an action-driven horror film about an elite squad of soldiers who must extract a vaccine from a quarantine zone inhabited by deadly creatures. Filming starts August 1 with both student filmmakers and veterans supplementing a professional cast and crew. 

Colorado’s Resources Helping Small Businesses Recover and Thrive Post-COVID

Colorado Small Business Development Center Network and Access to Capital Resources

The Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade offers programs and resources, and manages partnerships with other organizations that are dedicated to helping small businesses get back on their feet.

Below are some frequently asked questions and the resources available to support your small business, whether you are just getting started or have been in operation for decades. 

The Spending Power of Pride

As many know, June is national Pride Month. What some might not know is that metro Denver has the seventh largest LGBTQ+ community in the United States. As the first openly gay Governor, Governor Polis has made inclusivity and “Colorado for All” a cornerstone of his administration.

The LGBTQ+ community represents huge buying potential. Gay men and lesbians own more homes and cars, travel more, spend more on electronics and have the largest disposal income of any niche market. The community represents approximately 10 percent of the US consumer market. 

OEDIT to Host Second Outdoor Recreation Virtual Trade Mission to Canada

DENVER -- The Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade will host a virtual trade mission to Canada throughout the month of June, focused on growing the state’s outdoor recreation industry. 

Throughout the month, companies will learn about the Canadian outdoor recreation market, as well as participate in one-on-one matchmaking with potential buyers and partners.