September 2021 Care for Colorado Monthly Messaging: Leaf it Be

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” — Albert Camus

"Beleaf" it or not, fall is just around the corner! It is a wonderful time of year in Colorado. The change of seasons brings cooler temperatures, bugling elk and vibrant colors across the state. Despite the start of the school year and end of the summer travel season, crowds of adventurers can be found throughout Colorado, enjoying our spectacular landscapes painted in swaths of gold from the leaves of autumn aspen trees.

Colorado Tourism Challenges of 2020 Tackled by Governor, State and Federal Government

DENVER (August 6, 2021) – The COVID-19 pandemic caused global economic hardship and the travel industry was not immune. The release of the 2020 Dean Runyan Travel Study and Longwoods Travel USA Visitor Profile shows U.S. travel spending declined an estimated 36% in 2020. The Colorado travel industry was similarly affected, experiencing an estimated decline of 36.3% in travel spending, from a record $24.2 billion in 2019 to $15.4 billion in 2020.