Colorado Tourism Office News

CRAFT Case Study: Montrose County Historical Society, Montrose

Since 1968, the Montrose County Historical Society has endeavored to preserve, display and interpret the history and cultural legacy of Montrose County and its surrounding region. 

Mentor: Gaylene Ore
A travel, tourism and consumer marketing specialist, Gaylene brings more than 25 years of related experience to her client relationships. Gaylene has worked in media markets throughout Colorado and the nation, earning recognition for companies and nonprofit organizations. She founded Ore Communications in 1999.

CRAFT Case Study: A.R. Mitchell Museum, Las Animas County

The A.R. Mitchell Museum of Western Art was awarded two CRAFT Mentor programs by the Colorado Tourism Office in summer 2019. The Museum participated in two CRAFT Mentor projects: their first project focused on developing an action plan to support their strategic initiatives and a fundraising toolkit to support their upcoming capital campaign, and their second project worked to create an exhibit strategy to re-engage members and bring in new visitors.

CRAFT Case Study: Badger Creek Ranch, Fremont County

Badger Creek Ranch was awarded a CRAFT Mentor program by the Colorado Tourism Office in winter 2017 and summer 2019. The objective of the 2017 CRAFT Mentor program was to develop a strategic plan with clear, actionable goals, as well as to create a strong financial plan. The objective of the 2019 program was to develop a branding and marketing plan to support the Badger Creek Ranch strategic plan initiatives.